• 1580 N NW Highway, Suite 121E, Park Ridge IL 60068, USA.
  • + 1 (800) 798 3439
  • info@thesafeorg.com

In this existing pandemic era where it is practically impossible for organizations to keep a tab on every employee’s vaccination status, TheSafeOrg.com’s Employee Vaccination Tracker provides a digital, secure, and easy way to manage workplace immunization.

Vaccine Tracking
Single Sign On
Device Compatability

Learn who has been vaccinated & whose vaccination is still pending.

Get users to start immediately with a secure and authentic login on the platform.

Get the functionalities on any device – desktop, mobile, or tablet.

Alert Notification
Data Management
Data Security

Schedule vaccinations and send instant alert notifications to concerned users.

Get vaccination records in tabular, graphical, or excel spreadsheet formats.

Keep sensitive data secure through our HIPAA compliant cloud-based storage.

Vaccine Tracking

Learn who has been vaccinated in the organization and whose vaccination is still pending,

Single Sign On

Ensure secure and authentic login and allow your employees to get started immediately.

Device Compatability

Get the functionalities of our Covid response solution on any device – desktop, mobile, or tablet.

Alert Notification

Schedule vaccinations and instantly send alert notifications to the concerned employees.

Data Management

Search and view vaccination records in tabular, graphical, or excel spreadsheet formats.

Data Security

Keep sensitive employee data secure through our HIPAA compliant cloud-based storage.

Get features to make your workforce productive, stable, and resilient.

Schedule Vaccination

Book a vaccination appointment for your employees through this simple and easy-to-use portal. You can even select the type of vaccine you want your employee to be administered with. Moreover, identify the employee according to the risk level of their health and fast track vaccine scheduling.

Track Vaccine Status

Keep a tab on who is vaccinated in your organization and who is not. This tool allows you to view vaccination status across the entire organization or narrow down the results to individual departments. Moreover, the tool makes sure your employees are vaccinated with the first dose before moving ahead with the second one.

Risk Assessment

Empower your users to upload their health details to the application, providing an easy and accurate way to assess health risk level. Categorize employees according to their risk level and decide for vaccinations as per the risk level.

Vaccination Reporting

Get access to intelligent and interactive dashboards providing real time access to organization-wide immunization data. View vaccination status of each employee, their scheduled vaccination appointments, number, and names of unvaccinated employees, track employees with higher health risk level, and more. Also, view each report in the format of your choice.

Why TheSafeOrg.com?

TheSafeOrg.com’s provides a holistic and comprehensive solution to all your finance management, employee health management, workplace needs, and other issues.
Contact Tracing

Monitor possible physical contacts in the organization and take precautionary measures to minimize workforce health risks.

Manage Questions Set

Add, create, and develop customized questions for your target audience and get a flexible online surveying tool.

Workplace Seating Arrangement

Optimize your physical workspace and ensure compliance with social distancing norms through a well-designed and flexible seating arrangement.

Employee Health Screening

Conduct regular health screening of employee, identify employees with higher health risks to implement action plans accordingly.

RFE Approval System

Manage project expense authorizations with an easy-to-use and user-friendly interface for designing and updating RFE requests.

Trusted and Secure Platform with proven credibility for all kinds of industry verticals.

Our employee vaccine tracker is used by numerous firms and organizations around the globe and complies with the global vaccination mandate, whether it is scheduling vaccine appointments for your employees, tracking vaccination status, or supporting and monitoring vaccine administration.

A healthcare clinic recently integrated TheSafeOrg.com’s Employee Vaccination tracker with its existing HRM module for a single platform to manage employee vaccination.


An educational institution managed a safe return to school for its staff, faculty, and students with the comprehensive suite of TheSafeOrg.com applications.


A federal agency leveraged TheSafeOrg.com’s employee vaccination tracker to comply with the recent Government mandate of getting each federal employee vaccinated.


A manufacturing company deployed TheSafeOrg.com’s health and safety modules in its organization to ensure its existing facilities stay safe and operational, and more.

Finance and Banking

A leading financial service provider was recently successful in achieving customer loyalty and trust by implementing TheSafeOrg.com’s Employee Vaccination Tracker.


A leading hospitality company was recently able to restart its franchises across the nation by successful implementing TheSafeOrg.com’s health and safety apps.